Monday, February 28, 2005

Gotta Take the Shot

Luke, Kobe trusted you. With the game on the line, Kobe gave you the ball. Remember being a little kid on the court by yourself, and you dribble as you countdown '5 . . . 4. . . .3. . . 2'? Never did you say 'And he passes!'. NO!! No ! No! and No! That scenario always finishes with and he shoots........he scores!!! And even if you miss the shot, at least a shot went up. I know you're used to deferring to Kobe but you have to know game situations.

With that said, we played a horrible quarter which cost us the game. The other quarters weren't particularly great but we stayed in the game. Time after time this season we've found new and interesting ways to dig ourselves into holes. Tim Thomas and M. Sweetney?!?!?! Who the hell is M. Sweetney? Don't even know this cat's first name but he was bustin' our ass thoroughly!

Frustration mounts and it's only going to get rougher. Boston on Wednesday night. A new and improved Boston at that.....

It's been a long time

I know I haven't updated here in a while. In fact, I've entertained thoughts of closing this blog down. Don't get it twisted, my love for the Lakers is still as strong as ever (even if my frustration too is at an all-time high), but the day to day maintenance was getting to be a little too much. I may try to continue without the daily schedule and score updates and see how that goes.

As far as my frustration is concerned, it is two fold. On one side, I see a still talented team under performing, losing concentration and focus, and making awfully silly mistakes. I see Lamar Odom driving to the hoop and throwing up fadeaway layups. I see Caron Butler wasting a 3 on 1 break with a silly charging foul. I see Tierre Brown passing up a spot up jumper to get his layup blocked. I see Devean George still on the freakin bench, wasn't he supposed to come back in November or December.

The other side is the loss, and my mouth is drying out and becoming bitter as I type this, of a bonafied big man (if he is too childish to say Kobe's name, I can stoop to the Big Immature's level as well). With no one on the team warranting a double team other than Kobe, teams are double teaming Kobe forcing the ball into less talented hands. Other than Chucky Atkins, I can't say that my trust level is particular high when anyone else on the team starts to shoot. And that's a new and scary feeling for me.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Hunter Thompson

I really have trouble respecting people that kill themselves. I keep reading stories about this writer and I can't feel saddened. This isn't a tragedy, it's self inflicted. Not only that, it's pretty damn selfish. And to top it off, he kills himself while talking to his wife....with his son, daughter-in-law and grandchild in the house? Personally, I'm disgusted by this.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

If I hear one more damn story about her damn grandkids!!! No that's not a funny story, and nowhere near as entertaining as you're trying to make it to be. Kids say the darndest things but it doesn't look like your kids say the darndest entertaining thing. And yelling out poop and fart stories at work is a little less than appropriate. And again, when told by you....not funny. I'd love to work now but since she's guaranteed to keep her personal conversation going until she is interrupted by work, my ability to focus may be hindered. I wish I could just tune people out but when I'm annoyed, much as I am now, I find it very difficult. It's like the way you memorize songs you hate and watch commercials that make you sick.....

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Readership decline

Readership is directly proportionate to post frequency. I know some of my more faithful readers (heehee, I used the word 'some' to describe 'one') may be a little discontent concerning my lack of linguistic servitude recently. Uh...I was testing a theory that if I stopped readership...uh would decline. Yeah, I refer to it as the 'Obvious Yet Unproven Theorem'. I would expound further but not really sure expound isn't some kind of vulgarity. And we know the parents of the world would not have vulgarity on this blog during prime time hours...blech

I would like to send a big shoutout to DocTrizzle, my sister in law in doctor training. She told me to try taking Vitamin D pills to stop all these muscle twitches that have plagued me since I was able to masturbate and lo' and behold the twitches have subsided....the masturbation is still going pretty strong but if I can't love me....who can?!?!? And I didn't even have to reduce my caffeine intake.

Friday, February 18, 2005

I hate when people use speaker phone at their desk when they are the only one at their desk. Speaker phone is annoying to others around you who are now being forced to listen to your friggin conversation. I understand if there are multiple folks at your desk conversating....but when you're just being lazy and don't want to hold the flippin' phone?? No, that's when you should use email.
I hate when people use speaker phone at their desk when they are the only one at their desk. Speaker phone is annoying to others around you who are now being forced to listen to your friggin conversation. I understand if there are multiple folks at your desk conversating....but when you're just being lazy and don't want to hold the flippin' phone?? No, that's when you should use email.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Sports - The Passion

When you ask me who my bball squad is and I tell you I'm a Lakers fan, there is no faster way to lose my sports respect for you than for you to say, " I use to be a Lakers fan back when so and so were there." That's not a Lakers fan, that's a player fan. You are following a player, on a bandwagon, tasting nuts. And if that's your style, more power to you but in my eyes that's not a true fan.

A true fan is a fan of the sport first, a team second, and players third. A true fan loves the sport wholeheartedly and will defend the sport as much as possible within their personal morals. A true fan has one, and only one, team. There is no I like the Lakers, Spurs, and the Heat. That's a copout. Basically, you like players on each of your 'favorite' teams so you're actually a player fan. And most player fans are of the bandwagon variety, far from my favorite type of fan.

A couple of months back, a friend's wife asked me why sports in general, and the Lakers, Hokies, and Redskins specifically, were so important to me. She didn't understand the passion behind sports fans. I know when I replied, my reply lacked the heartstring pulling, tear jerking eloquence that I felt. And I doubt this post will do much in that regard either. But it's the emotion involved. For serious fans such as myself, there is a personal stake. And I'm not talking money as I refuse to gamble on any of my teams. Some partof me is with each of these teams. Deeply.

When any of these teams lose a game, not necessarily an important game but any game, my attitude changes for a little while afterward. I'm hurt, disappointed, annoyed, confused, lost. I don't see any reason why any of my teams should ever lose a game. It's blind faith. Regardless of how good my team is or isn't, I always believe there is a way to win. I believe they will win. I have no choice but to believe that.

I find myself arguing quite often with various people about my teams. And depending on the intelligence in their argument, I may decide to avoid talking to that person about sports again. Prime example, a coworker today said that basketball is not a sport. She's a die hard Atlanta Braves fan which will have relevance later. Anyway, I ask her why she said this and she says that it is just her opinion. At that exact point, I should have walked away. Let it go...cuz she's making statements with no supporting argument other than she doesn't like the sport. For Johnny's sake she isn't even saying why she doesn't like the sport. I knew at that point I will not be able to discuss sports with her. Anyhow, I don't walk away, I say if any sport isn't a sport it's baseball. But besides passionate disdain for the activity of baseball, I supplied many reasons for why I didn't like it and also why it wasn't a sport. At the end of my rant, she had nothing to say other than 'Blah blah' to which I replied as my parting comment 'Blah Blah, are you reminiscing about the last baseball game you watched?'

My problem is that I take it personal. Attacking my sports or my team is attacking me and I will defend it as such. It's living vicariously through these teams, their successes and their failures. It's about knowing the players, or at least feeling like you know the players on a personal level. I feel like I'm the sixth man out there. I feel my support helps them just as much as their profession helps me. It's about escape. It's about bonding. Sports bring people together in ways that no other aspect of society does. I've talked to countless strangers in unfamiliar places because of the team they were wearing on their shirt. People I likely wouldn't notice or greet in any other fashion. Sports is.....

Smooth Skittles Fix

So there are these new skittles called 'Smoothies Mix' that are literally orally orgasmic. I've only had them once as I saw them in the vending machine at the Dodge dealership. And it was the last pack. Does anyone know where I can get more or will I have to kill somebody in the Skittles organization for ineffective marketing?!?!?

Another Conversation

Female Bar Patron: 'What'd you get your wife for Valentine's?'
Me: 'I hand delivered two dozen roses to her on Friday."
Female Bar Patron: 'What color?'
Me: 'They were multicolored.'
Female Bar Patron: 'Awww, is that her favorite color, multi?
Me: 'Uh.....'
Female Bar Patron: 'I love yellow roses'

Monday, February 14, 2005

a conversation

Me: 'You have issues with loyalty'
Coworker: 'Why do I have to stay loyal?'
Me: 'Cuz that's the definition of loyalty!' - Report:?Letourneau to wed former pupil - Feb 14, 2005 - Report:?Letourneau to wed former pupil - Feb 14, 2005
Wow! This report almost sounds like it is written in a happily ever after kind of way. She was banging a sixth grader!!! Had kids by a sixth grader!!! No mention of possible pyshiatric therapy being needed???? - NHL - Three NHL players, accused of rape, suspended - Saturday February 12, 2005 2:36PM - NHL - Three NHL players, accused of rape, suspended - Saturday February 12, 2005 2:36PM I know this will not get the press the Kobe Bryant case did. I actually doubt it will go much further than this. But the reason I'm mentioning it is because of the last quote where dude says the players showed bad judgement by just staying out late....yeah that and runnin' a train on the chick...

Sunday, February 13, 2005

More on Black History

The Pride And The Journey This website makes it easy. Tons of biographies about amazing figures in Black History. Please take the time to read about someone you don't know about.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

And the only reason she's at work now is because she's on a personal flippin' call!!!!!

All Day

How can you spend all day making personal phone calls? Who has that many people they can call during a normal working day that don't have jobs and have plenty of free time to talk to you? What do you do at night when you get home if you've taken care of all your personal details at work? How many times can I hear a freakin' story about your damn grandchildren that quite frankly isn't that funny or cute?!?! And to top it off, how can you get upset when you actually have to work??? Heaven forbid!

I need to work from home but not really 'cuz I'd play video games all day!
It's one of those days. I can't get anything to work. People won't leave me alone. And I'm just in an irritable mood.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Black History month revisited

It's funny. This month I have told more white friends that it is black history month who had absolutely no clue. Soon after, with a couple of them anyway, the question of why is there no white history month came up.

Here's something to think about? White people are the majority. As such, unless specifically designated, it is assumed white. For example, when someone breaks a record, you never hear "Adam Montolli is the first white American to cross the Everglades in flip flops". However, when a nonwhite person does something you often hear, 'Lawrence Hollis is the first African American to accomplish this feat." You catch my drift?

Once again, the point of having a black history month is to expose the achievements and accomplishments Blacks have had on society that may not be covered in our public education otherwise. Perhaps another example will illustrate my point. I am constantly exposed to 'white' culture (and the debate for what distinguishes white culture from black culture etc is a debate for another time). Often, I don't have the option of tuning it out either. When a white person has to hear some hip hop at a stop light, or sees a video on TV that represents black culture, they can easily remedy their situation in most circumstances. If I want to be amongst my culture, I can't just turn the TV. I am limited to UPN and BET for all intents and purposes if I want guaranteed entertainment concerning black culture (UPN is thrown in their for comedic purposes). I am forced to live in a white culture most of the day at work. This is not meant to be a militant rant. But just as hard as it is for some of my white friends to understand that I have no clue who Jimmy Buffett is, it is just as hard for me to understand that a large segment of the population doesn't realize that there are other cultures outside of their own.

I don't know if the previous commentary makes any sense but I was, no I am, irritated that so many people want to know why there isn't a designated white history month. Funny though, March ( I think it's March) is Women's History month but these same people never ask 'where is men's history month?'

Monday, February 07, 2005 - The backlash over 'Million Dollar Baby' - Feb 7, 2005 - The backlash over 'Million Dollar Baby' - Feb 7, 2005

Why can't people just watch a movie for pure entertainment value anymore? Why does everything have some organization that feels this movie or this TV show is a propaganda for whatever cause? What happened to just watching a movie, having some popcorn, and getting on with life? Everybody has a cause, like they don't feel complete unless they are fighting something.....

Politics suck and are officially pet peeve 7.2a....

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Black History Month

Every year about this time, TV floods images of famous black folk on the airwaves. A lot of my white friends say to me, why isn't there a white history month not realizing that most of the year is dedicated to white history. Not only do we get the shortest month of the year, we still have to compete with Valentines Day!

But that's okay. I'm starting a grassroots organization that is going to ask, nay, demand special treatment during Black History month. And by special treatment I mean things such as %50 off at your local bar on select drafts and Cocktails. 2 for 1 lap dances. 1/2 off on hookers. After all, you should always help a hustler and hug a ho. Heathenism on a fire sale!!! All debauchery must go....

Wait....I retract my statements above. On a serious note, Black History Month is an important time of year not only for Blacks but for all of Americans. It is an opportunity for those who may not be exposed to black culture on a daily basis to learn more than what the media provides in the late night news.

Black History Month

Every year about this time, TV floods images of famous black folk on the airwaves. A lot of my white friends say to me, why isn't there a white history month not realizing that most of the year is dedicated to white history. Not only do we get the shortest month of the year, we still have to compete with Valentines Day!

But that's okay. I'm starting a grassroots organization that is going to ask, nay, demand special treatment during Black History month. And by special treatment I mean things such as %50 off at your local bar on select drafts and Cocktails. 2 for 1 lap dances. 1/2 off on hookers. After all, you should always help a hustler and hug a ho. Heathenism on a fire sale!!! All debauchery must go....

Wait....I retract my statements above. On a serious note, Black History Month is an important time of year not only for Blacks but for all of Americans. It is an opportunity for those who may not be exposed to black culture on a daily basis to learn more than what the media provides in the late night news.