So four and a half months into 2011, and this is the first post to Xpinionated. Sad as I had previously managed to post at least once a month since 2004 I reckon. I don't know what the source of this hiatus is particularly. I think it may be multiple hobbies, facebook, writer's block...all potential causes but who really knows.
Maybe I have just said all I have to say in blog format. There are many times I think to speak but I just don't get around to it.
Family wise all our doing awesome. Kids are growing up too fast. Way too fast.
Work is work, nothing to report there.
The general state of the world still bothers me most of the time but I think I've grown immune to it. I just don't seem to get fired up about the state of affairs in this world.
And I really don't feel like blogging now...