I am in a very combative, pissy mood today. Very anti-establishment too. I cannot stand the way this society is. I have a lot of anger in me right now and I don't like having it but I don't have a choice. Somehow, we always spend more money than we have but somehow we rarely have anything to show for it.....How can two people spend 215 bucks on groceries.....I used to spend 40 bucks a month by myself and we're spending on average 175 every three weeks, and I swear our fridge is never, ever overflowing with food. What the hell are we gonna do when we have kids? Hell, when we do fucking cook we barely have left overs so what the hell are the kids supposed to eat.
You know it seems to me that every 'step' in life is a little bit worse. You leave high school to go to college: great time, but your parents are slowly weaning you off of them.
You leave college for the real world: You're an adult now, but the real isn't really all its cracked up to be. You meet someone: Great companionship, less freedom.
Marriage: Society's ever so important life status is met, you lose even more freedom (and will power). You have kids: Your progeny, but what's left of your former lifestyle is gone....forever....or at least 18 years.
And why does society seem so surprised when there are people who would rather not go through the traditional life cycle. Furthermore, why does the government reward people for going through the traditional lifecycle via tax breaks and shit. Hell, if I decide to not have children, I would think I should pay less in taxes since I'm not using as much shit. But I have to pay so your little Susie can go to the Library. Little Susie needs to get a damn job and start paying her own way around here so she can go to the bookstore and buy the book therefore helping the economy.
I'm done for now but I am seriously tired of never having any money. I don't remember the last time I went out and spent on myself carefreee.....and now I'm supposed to be trying to be the girlfriend an eight thousand dollar ring.....what the fuck....
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