Friday, March 28, 2008

Daddy's new camera and new favorite pics


So we bought a new digital camera as ours had four solid years of service, and coincidentally 4 megapixels of resolution.  Needless to say unless you're not a digital cam fan, that is nothing.  Today's average camera is at least 7 megapixels.  Anyway, we were torn between buying a point-and-shoot camera or a dlr camera.  At first, somewhat encouraged by keeping up with the Jones' so to speak, we were leaning toward the DLR know the one that people take classes to properly learn.  Then, in January, I stumbled upon an article about the forthcoming Fujifilm s8100FD.  I liked what I read and decided that it was more of an advanced point and shoot which should suit us nicely.

Anyway, long story short (and because the experience with the scam artists Broadway continues to piss me off anytime I think of it), here are my early favorite pics:

So fresh and so clean clean 

Devin and the cherry willowDevin and the exposed tongue

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