Monday, December 22, 2008

Simple Happiness

It's the holiday season.  Even though we're in a recession, I've driven past my local Toys R Us and the parking lot is packed like the dot-com boom never ended.

But something I realized tonight is that kids don't need all those toys and gizmos to be happy.  My son has been sick since Saturday with fever and vomiting.  He was lethargic, sleepy, and in a general foul mood as diarrhea reared it's ugly head.  I had to work late so my wife and mother in law were giving him the TLC.  As I closed my work laptop, I looked at him playing in the family room with his spirits coming back a little bit (no doubt thanks to the motrin - baby crack!).  So I walked up to him and said 'Devin, let's march!'

We marched, and by march I mean full sprint, through the house for the next 30 minutes.  No toys, no tv, no gizmos.  Just father and son, and feet....and lots of yelling.  Simple happiness.


Nikki Vance said...

I have to agree with you. At least twice a week before bed, I turn on some music, usually the theme songs for Dora and Diego or a little Choo Choo Soul, and my kids and I have a little party. We dance and sing for about 15 minutes and then they are ready for bed. It is the absolute best. So this Christmas, there will be a few toys, mostly for my son because he is 6, but we will be happy just to be in each other's company. Merry Christmas and thank God for "simple happiness".

xdavis24 said...

Isn't it crazy how easy it is to please a child before materialism 'corrupts' them? Merry Christmas to you too!