Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Decline in Fanaticism

There was a time growing up when I knew where each of my friends stood with each sport. Chuck was a Pistons fan, Kenny was a Celtics fan, Chuck and I were Redskins fans.  None of us jumped ship . . . ever . . . . for any reason.  I hope that stands true for my Newgate Village homies to this day.

But ask a fan nowadays about the team they support in a single sport, and you'll likely get a litany of teams supported, with a plethora of reasons they support them.  People no longer are strong enough to stand by one team anymore.  No more loyalty to one college for all sports.  Everybody has their winner backup.  It's saddening.

The most common statement I hear goes something like this 'I'm a Hawks fan but the Cavaliers are my second favorite team.'  By definition, 'favorite' is a singular item.  By my definition of fan, there are no second favorites in the same league. That shows a new level of fairweatheredness that's either slightly above or slight below those NBA fans who haven't watched a game since Jordan left.  Oddly enough, I never hear the comment 'I'm a Browns fan but the Bills are my second favorite team.'  You know why I don't hear that kind of statement?  Because these so called fans never seem to pick a mediocre or outright bad team as their second favorite.

It really goes to the desire for today's fans to be associated with a winner.  Sports no longer hold that passion of my youth with the new generation of fans. From my teens up until my kids were born, if the Lakers, Redskins, or Hokies lost, the day and quite possibly the weekend were done.  Ruined. I felt it personally. I cared and loved that much.  I didn't rely on a second team.  I didn't support a player that didn't run with my squad.  Ask my friends what I said about Shaquille O'Neal once he left the Lakers.  In a nutshell, it was nothing nice.

What happened to those fans that felt the game?  That weren't afraid to lose?  That realized losing builds passion?  I actually have a friend who attended Virginia Tech but cheers for Duke basketball.  Her justification is that the Hokies have never been that good in basketball.  Besides berating her as a traitor, I should have asked her what happens if the basketball team runs into the good fortune that the once hapless football team did 16/17 years ago?  Would she forsake Duke basketball?  I doubt it . . . .sadly, I doubt it.

I have another friend who became a die-hard Falcons fan once they started winning.  He says he refused to support an organization in the state the organization was formerly in.  I'm a Redskins fan.  I support a team with an owner that has absolutely nothing to put on his mantelpiece in terms of achievement since he's owned the team. Blunder after blunder after blunder....still no excuse to jump ship.....

I just don't get it I guess.  Do these people also have second favorite wives?  I mean sports for me is about loyalty, about trust in the organization, about a love of the history of an organization.  Does any of that count for anything anymore?


Smurf said...

great write up X. I'm a cowboys fan for life, though I do not like Romo. Duke Basketball because of their tradition and Coach K. The game keeps changing and he stands true to mostly traditional basketball(not the run and gun so prevelant today) Virginia Tech Football since my days at Radford. Colorado Rockies baseball since they came into the league in the late 80's. It is nice to live near them now and I am able to go to games. NBA basketball, hmmm, I have never had a favorite but love the individual players. The players move around too much and it is hard to have loyalty for any one team. Gone are the days Of larry Bird and Magic Johnson. Even the players do not have loyalty. I will say that I will never root for the Lakers! ha ha. So, I coud say anyone who goes against the lakers, I will be rooting for them. Down with the bandwagon fans. what are your final four picks?

Kimmie said...

Yay! I made Xpinionated! I think there are two different issues here. I am a die hard Redskins fan. Along the lines of your theory, I should also be a Washington Wizards fan. Right? They are in the same state! If your answer is no, then why is it a huge problem that I support VT football and Duke basketball? You pick your teams based on sport, not location.

xdavis24 said...

There's a difference between selecting a college team and a pro team. Most of us will never have anything to do with a pro team. That choice will be one we're either born into, develop over time, or, as the current fans indicate, change frequently. However, if you attend a specific university, there is no reason whatsoever for cheering another university. Especially, not one in conference. My wife went to Indiana University. I'll watch their games. I have an interest because of her. But never, ever, will I call myself a fan of IU. I went to Virginia Tech. I will support Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech only. If you loved the school you attended, there is no reason for you to cheer on Duke or any other school in any other sport.

So who's your college soccer team? UVA?

Kimmie said...

Weak rebuttal. Very weak. Just because I cheer for another university, doesn't mean I support my alma mater any less. Did you merely choose VT because of their sports background or academia? And I don't even watch soccer. Should I give back my degree because I don't support VT Lacrosse?

xdavis24 said...

When I started at VT, the football team went 2-8-1 so no the football team didn't make my decision for me. Cheering for another university is heresy, especially on in your own conference. When you watch VT vs Duke in basketball...who do you cheer for?

Kimmie said...

I don't cheer. I evaluate the plays and comment on both teams.

xdavis24 said...

and that is what is sad about the decline in fanaticism......