In war you kill the people who are the victims of the tyrant you claim to be fighting against. -Howard Zinn
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Rained on my truck today...pissed about that.....blogger broke, pissed also about that. I don't know if it's fixed but I noticed Raymi's blog to the right had some problems too so maybe it's the service.....
I'm trying to decide if I should start carryin the digital camera around with me everywhere and keeping like a photojournal of my life....but knowing me you would only see the drunk heathen parts....but those are the fun parts anyway so who cares....]
I haven't decided if I like having the 'Day By Day' cartoon at the top of me blog.....I read some and I liked them but it seems like they have started to suck since I added here....guess I'm bad luck
Have you ever wondered why they can't seem to make manholes level with the rest of the street? Why the hell is that? It's stupid I tell ya....How hard is it to know how much or little pavement will be necessary to maintain a nice even surface???