Monday, February 06, 2006

Being Black

Being black is not a choice
Nor is it a privilege
Living under suspicion is a burden

Being black is not easy
Scanning every room you enter as mere instinct
Living on edge just in case

Being black is a fear
Seeing hatred or fear in unknowing eyes
Living a life in third person

Being black is a judgement
Judgment based on groupthink
Living not as an individual but as a group

Being black is confusion
No leadership, no direction
Bringing truth to despair and stereotype

-Xavier Davis - 2/1/2006 - Written in reference to an old lady's statement that she left a mall in Atlanta because she was scared. 'They have malls in Raleigh but not like that one'. She was in Lenox Mall, one of, if not the most popular mall in Atlanta. What she was scared of as I understood it were the numbers of young black people in the mall.....

1 comment:

Xpinionated said...

Thank know I'm not good at taking compliments so . . . .yeah....thanks ;)