Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Entertainment Blasphemy

Sitting here watching the boob tube and an Itunes commercial comes on.  It features what I guess is a new Paul McCartney song called 'Dance Tonite'.  The commercial in itself is annoying.  Then, it happens, epiphany!!!  Epiphany!!!  Paul McCartney can't really sing....or dance.  Uh-oh, logical train of thought leads to (entertainment blasphemy in 5..4..3..2..1) the Beatles suck!!!  Listening to them and I realized that they were more fad than talent.  Yea I said it!   They never brought chills with their singing, their dance moves (loosely using the word dance) did not fact, the only reason they are considered so great is because they were considered cute by adolescent girls. 

Now ladies (30 plus for this one)....think about the guys you thought were cute when you were between the ages of 12 and 17......I'm willing to guess that you often wonder why you thought those guys were cute....apply this to the Beatles.....

And their drug influenced titles (cuz I know none of their music by heart) make no sense whatsoever.......Strawberry Fields?  Sgt Peppers Lonely Heart's Band?

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