Thursday, September 30, 2004

I so want this to end. I've stopped supporting Shaquille O'Neal since he left the Lakers. But I can't find a way to explain Kobe's dropping names in this situation. Listening to 790 the Zone this morning, a caller called in and wished a career ending injury to Kobe. Ain't that some shit to wish on a person? The caller went further and said that Lakers fans should no longer support the Lakers because of one player. In that case, Nets fans can't support the Nets 'cause they had a habitual accidental shooter on the team.

The bottom line is I bleed purple and gold. I've gone away from one of my mainstays in that I don't get into the players personal lives. But it's time I get back to that. The players receive my support for what they do on the court....anything else is not my business.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Click here now because I said so You have to find three different things between the photos.
Subject: Typoglycemia

Don't delete this because it looks weird. Believe it or not you can read it.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

You know, I mentioned that I spend a bit of time posting on I've noticed that many posters there tend to dislike black players much more so than white players. For example, there's a current thread about how much they dislike Kellen Winslow. Their reason for their dislike is mainly his holding out for money as a rookie. No one mentions that Eli Manning received a ridiculous amount of money as a rookie, that Ben Roethlisberger received a ridiculous amount of money as a rookie, but they all fervently remember Kellen Winslow holding out.

Another post involves this guy saying Mike Vick is overrated. Among his arguments as to why this is so, he states the media's desire for the success of a black quarterback; basically rehashing Rush Limbaugh's statement. Alas, Race has officially been entered into the conversation.

Now as far as I have been able to tell, I'm the only intelligent Black person I know of posting on the forum. There is one other person claiming to be of color, but I'm not sure what that color is and he is far from intelligent. So when conversations of race come in, the former militant in me rises to the occasion and spits his knowledge.

And it almost never fails, that I am accused of letting my race cloud my vision as it was so aptly put last time I heard it. But, what I don't think people realize is that we all see through cloudy, cloudy glasses. I can only see things as a black man. My life has been lived as a black man, my experiences, interactions, conversations have been as a black man. What a lot of white people don't seem to see, in my opinion and this includes my fiancee, is that the world is very different when race has been put foremost in your perspective.

As a black man, I can never leave race at home because I have been treated differently in various situations because I was a black man. Best example, when I'm out with my white fiancee, she never or at least hardly ever sees the looks that people give us. Is it because I'm overly sensitive or hyper attentive? No. It's because if I were walking through that mall alone, 50% of those people would still give me that same damn look. That look of slight disapproval or mistrust or something. When I'm with her, it's just a definite disapproval. This is my life. I don't let it change my mood because I'm used to it. When I'm in a bar, you'd be surprised at the number of my friends (particularly white male friends) that say what's up homie to me but never say that to one of their white friends. Why I gotta be homie?? It's funny and I shake it off but the fact that it's done is still a glaring reminder that I'm black and he's white.

Okay okay, I think I'm done now....oops no I'm not. I think anyone that tells you they don't see color is lying. You see color because it's what you see. Granted you shouldn't judge based on the color you see but you do, it's human instinct. Just like if I see a blonde, I'm going to have certain preconceptions about her until I get to know her. If a see a white male, same thing. My experiences have built my perceptions and my perceptions are applied until there is reason to change them....

Where the hell was this post headed????

Thursday, September 16, 2004

I once heard a story about hurricanes. I can't remember it in its entirety but the basic premise was that hurricanes are the souls of the black slaves that died in the African diaspora. Ever notice how many hurricane paths follow the same path that slave ships did over 400 years ago....
Bob Pruett coach of the Marshall Thundering Herd referred to the Ohio State Buckeyes as a bunch of Mandingos. As you can imagine the press and some black community leaders went up in arms about this. My take: it's a compliment, the Mandingo tribes were know for their strength, their size, and their physical prowess. Should he have used the term? Probably not but that's more related to political correctness than whether or not blacks should be offended. I don't think he meant the term in any negative way. I think he truly thought he was giving the Bucks credit. Hell, when I'm boosting my own ego I refer to myself as a Mandingo Warrior....I mean, c'mon, I know there is still a racial struggle going on but everything needs to be taken in context. When Paul Hornung made his comments this past year about lowering academic standards for black athletes, that's offensive. But using a term that is not even full slang, a term that refers to an actual historical fact, that my faithful (or at least kinda faithful) readers is not offensive.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Everybody got their somethin..... -Nikka Costa

I'm just not sure what my somethin' is yet.....

With the third pick in the Race Draft, the Asian delegates select the Rza, the Gza, Inspectah Deck, the Wu-tang Clan....Fonichiwa Bitches! -Dave Chappell

Dat boy funny!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

It never some point in the middle of the afternoon, I get ridiculously sleepy. This would normally be the time I would get up and go have some idle chitchat with a coworker.....but now there's no one in the office for me to go idly chitchattin' to. So alone...did you ever know that you're my hero...

So at the Madden tournament last night, I lose in the first round 9 - 6. They only let you play for 30 minutes which is not nearly enough time to finish a whole game plus the cat I was playing started doing cheesy shit by suddenly taking forever to pick his friggin play after he got the lead....But on a good note, I did win the FlickBall (paper football) tournament walking away 20 bucks and a t-shirt and auto qualification in the bar finals. If I win that, then it's on to the regionals and then the nationals with a $10,000 champ prize....

Monday, September 13, 2004

'Sup biotches!!? Sorry, don't know where that came from. Anyway, I thought I'd drop a favorite Jay-Z quote...."Got mixed feelings like a mulatto"

Heehee, I'm gonna have a bunch of mulattoes runnin around the house one day (God willing) and I'm gonna call them mulatto 1, mulatto 2, etc....

I'm going to a Madden tournament tonite...not sure what to expect...see my problem is I rarely play humans in video games so I learn to play the computer but when I play against a human I have to learn to adjust for the unexpected...or in some cases with the cheesers....the same play over and over and over and over and over and over ....sorry my fingers got in a rhythm and the keyboard was enjoying that...

I'm going to Winston next week and I'm actually looking forward to it...I still feel kind of like a visitor in Atlanta because I was gone so long and now I have to reestablish my footing least in Winston I WAS a visitor so feeling like one didn't feel weird. I do miss the money of contract work though!!!

How about them Skins? Their defense is lookin hella did I just say 'hella', aw fuck it I'll be 30 soon, time to let that slang thing go...

Been cursin alot lately...feels like the only way to truly expree meself...I only have 12 more days of smoking before it's bippety boppety bye to the nicotine....gonna be real weird....put your two legs up then put your booty on the floor if you think I can do this....

Thursday, September 09, 2004


Now he's just being childish. Let shit go. Grow the fuck up. Stop rapping dumbass. The reason for my angst is here. What a tool.....

Friday, September 03, 2004

Now I know you're all expecting me to put my two cents in on Kobe but oddly, I spent so much of yesterday debating about this that I have talked myself silent.

Actually, no I haven't. Kobe should sue her ass for defamation. For a year and change, his reputation was dragged through the mud. I am beginning to think that for whatever reason she intended to drag Kobe's name down. I mean, how does she suddenly not have the will to testify? Especially considering she has every intent to continue pursuing her civil case. She's known for quite a while that she was not going to testify in my opinion.

And don't get me started on the damn apology letter!!! I'm so sick of trying to explain that damn letter!!!

Okay, I'm back.

I must tell you that I have been expressing my xpinions on the internet, just not on this site. My internet travels led me to messageboards where I receive more of a response. Now that is not to say that I don't enjoy the respones I receive here, but the response is just more. I have become a poster on and
My faithful readers, I first must apologize for inconsiderate lack of consideration in keeping you updated here on this tome we call Xpinionated. It has been over a week and change and I have not typed a single word of comedy, drama, or other tv genre category thingy.

To make it up to you, I will speak on several topics today. Maybe. You know I'm moody and may change my mind.

Today's first topic is...oh sh!t, I gotta go pee...