Monday, July 11, 2005

Age is a creepin'

Played some ball yesterday afternoon. Besides not having the stamina, which is understandable given my time spent in bars vs gyms, I realized quite a bit. The game has just about passed my by now. My quick first step surprised no one, mainly because it's no longer quick. My hops can no longer be leaned on. I may jump and get up like the ol' days every once in a while but on average my knees prefer not to exert themselves.

And this being the second time in a week that I've played, I've noticed considerable back pain the next morning. I guess I need to stretch.

Oddly enough, knowing that the game is/has passing/passed me by makes me want to play more. I almost want to get back into shape....we'll see how long this feeling lasts.


Xpinionated said...

No see they were paid for their athletic age defying defiance....I gain nothing...just losing self esteem....

Xpinionated said...

I can't give up so easy...once my knees stop hurting, I'll be good...