Monday, July 25, 2005

I think the scariest thing about this Harry Potter thing is the number of adults discussing the book as it if it weren't originally intended for children. Not meant to offend you adult Potter readers, but if an entire country embraces a book for children, what does that say about our reading levels???

1 comment:

Xpinionated said...

It doesn't necessarily say anything about our education per-se, but rather how easily we as a society are entertained. A children's book (7th grade is still a child in my opinion) should not capture the attention it has. Instead, it indicates how simplified entertainment has to be for a mass of folks to like it....

Ah that's a crock of shit...I stands by the fact that adults, well educated or not should be able to find something a little 'older' to read. Something that touches on a) real life, and b) adult situations....