Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Head Tingler

Eating pineapple chunks makes my head tingle. I haven't decided if it's tingling in a good way but it's not bad enough to make me stop eating the pineapple.

My job will officially be stolen August 31 by outsourcing. Maybe it's for the best, a career change perhaps? Do strippers get outsourced???

Magdeline has new shoes. You may remember me mentioning the final participants for Magdeline's Smell my feet contest (a contest I just made up 4 months after it began). Well, the initial winner was the wheel in the bottom right corner. Then, I came across the eventual champion, the Forte F15 Miami. They arrived almost two weeks ago and were installed this past Friday. Needless to say, Magdeline is lookin' as good as a pork barbecue sandwich the day after giving up Islam. . . (just an analogy people, not an opinion on Islam. In fact, the words, ideas, and contents of this post are not necessarily opinions of the author...unless otherwise stated as an opinion of the author, or understood as an opinion of the author).

P4010018See the winner! And see a bigger version P4010015here.

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