Tuesday, September 18, 2007

5 Year Anniversary!!!!!!

By the way....yesterday Sept 17th marked the five year anniversary of Xpinionated- the blog!  Yep, five long years and not a single dime made.  No income, nothing....

Anyway, there have been a lot of changes, a lot of comings and goings and it's been one heckuva ride.  WIth that said, I want to let you know that I will be doing absolutely nothing for this milestone...no contests (no one ever participated in any of my contests anyway), no giveaways( cuz I don't owe you jack, except my witty wit humorously biting style of blogging), and no super posts. 

5 years gone and here's hoping for another 15....

By the way, one of the best lines I've heard in a long time:  "He could be whore mongering all over Greensboro but he's not asking us for anything so it's fine by me!"  Reply?  "As long as he is a self sufficient whore mongerer, let him be!"

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