Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I have been back in the gym for the past week playing basketball Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday last week as well as yesterday.  After yesterday's performance, there are some things that are becoming ridiculously clear to me

  1. The game may have passed me by
  2. My body isn't doing what I tell it to do anymore
  3. My mind doesn't seem to care about number two as much
  4. In my youth, I may have relied heavily on my natural athleticism instead of actual skills.
  5. Number 4 means the game has definitely passed me by
  6. I am taking Aleve before playing basketball hoping to make me knees numb

If I'm not as skilled as I once thought I was and athleticism made me the hardwood threat that I know I once was, what does this mean going forward as my knees and lungs ache every time I play?  I'm hoping the lungs thing is just a matter of getting into shape.  But I fear the knee thing is just from years of hard work.   I don't expect to dunk anymore by any means.  However, now the pains in my knees are in my head.  I don't make the effort to jump unless someone has pissed me off -- after which I revert to my twenties for approximately twenty seconds. 

I'm gonna give it another week of strictly ball playing, then I'll alternate day to day between balling and lifting.  Maybe I can get these legs into something they once were.

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