Monday, January 28, 2008

Devin's Man Night

Last night, lil Man spent some time with the dudes.  Mrs Xpinionated had to help a friend in need which left Devin alone with me and a couple of friends playing video games.   You know he had to be having a good time because he was sitting in his high chair eating lasagne with his hands in his diaper.  Every man's dream to eat some good pasta in your drawuhs with your hands while watching your friends play video games!!

Later in the night, one of my friends J was shooting Devin's little basketballs (or trying to) into the little goal.  The balls landed over near Devin in the corner and J said 'Devin, get those balls for me.'  Devin looked at him like I know you see me ridin' my zebra!  Then J mimed shooting a basketball and being the smart kid my son is, he got up off the zebra, walked over to the balls, picked both of them up and proceeded to take them to J.  Attaboy!

Oh yeah...check out Devin's new pics with his new haircut!  And first haircut for that matter

Devin's Fresh Cut

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