Monday, April 21, 2008

Daddy and Devin Day - The Post-Game

Well, Daddy and Devin day didn't go exactly as I planned.  I had fun with lil man and I know he was happy to be out of the house as much as he was on Saturday.  But I'm disappointed that I didn't pull the day off as planned.  Next time, I will need to plan better....

We left the house around noon and headed up to Triple Play.  Triple Play is a new sports bar where some friends of mine work.  My plan was to hit this place (been open all of one night), see my friends, and then hit up Hooters for dinner before the game later on.  Devin was a hit of course with waitresses wanting to hold him but him playing hard to get. 

We left there around 1:30 I guess and had to do some errands at Costco and Kroger.  By the time we finished the errands, it was 3:30, Devin was head down, neck stretched sleep in the backseat and I knew we weren't going to make it down to the car show.  So Devin slept from 3:30 to 5:30 finally giving us (though Mrs Xpinionated wasn't there to enjoy it) the two hour nap he routinely takes at daycare.

I decided to wake him up at 5:30 which didn't take much more than me walking into the room.  At this point, Hooters too was out of the question if we were going to get to the Force game on time.  So I decided it would be easier to get to the game way early, get some food, feed Devin before folks started crowding us and get settled.  And that worked.....until Devin decided he was going to spit on the guy next to us....every time the guy spoke.  The man was a good sport and laughed it off as I tried to cover lil man's mouth.  But at halftime, after letting Devin run loose a little bit, I thought it was time to bring Devin and Daddy day to an end.....

With all that said, I still got lil man four cheerleader chicks!!! 

image See other pics here


Lindsey said...

Awww, too cute! I love how he's pulling away, his taste is so much more refined. It must've been their bad taste in footwear. ;)

Xpinionated said...

Their footwear is awesome...hooker boots are always awesome. And he's 16 months old...he doesn't have tastes yet? Just not used to strange women....yet!