Friday, August 19, 2005

Eminem's Relatives Sue Rapper Over House |

Let me get some understanding here: the man GAVE you $165,000 dollars and a home for two years and now you're suing him. It would be different if you were providing some service other than freeloading. It would be different if there was some kind of contract but this doesn't even sound logical. I'm sick of people suing somebody for something instead of just working for your money. No house payment for two years and you have the nerve to be distressed. I say carry yo' ass and welcome back to the real world!

1 comment:

Xpinionated said...

No I didn't hear about the Jay-z. I used to love Jay-Z then I heard this joint on Sirius. It's a song by a DJ called I'm a biter not a writer. Basically, the dj plays a Jay-z line followed by the original line by the ORIGINAL ARTIST. I knew had taken a couple but the song lasts like 5 minutes long. I was like whoa

Her daddy is definitely gone have sumthin to say