Thursday, August 11, 2005


So I have been growing my hair out since our matrimonials. I was starting to ponder the idea of getting dreads. I just don't know if I have the commitment. It could take 12 months for the hair to lock and I have rarely had hair longer than a year before cutting it completely bald.

On top of this, I brought it up in passing with my boss and she intimated that she's not a dreadlock fan. She feels they look dirty. I tried to 'splain to her that it's based on the person who has them but she didn't seem to sway.

On top of THAT, the twists in my hair were on their way out so I tried to retwist them myself because $70 for a week and half long hairstyle isn't something I can commit to either. The sides and the back went weel but the top ended up a true mess. It may be better if I let Mrs. Xpinionated do it but I wasted 3 hours the other night doing my hair and have been slightly jaded.

So now I have to decide if I wanna get it cornrowed if for no other reason because that's cheaper and buys me some time as far as a final decision or twisted again, somewhere else that may be cheaper?? Suggestions??


Anonymous said...

A YEAR?!? for dreds. Hell I cant commit to a brand of underwear for a year.. much less a hairstyle.

Xpinionated said...

Yeah, I'm a little skeptical myself. Right now it's just gonna do what it do...