Thursday, August 24, 2006

Shaq owns up . . . sort of

Shaquille O'Neal is finally maturing.
Basically, all I did with D-Wade is just have discussions. Not only that, I learned that, you know, from dealing with the first two guys, I may have made some mistakes in the way I dealt with those guys. We'll never know, but I looked at the mistakes I made with those guys and I didn't want to do it with him. Like, when I was with Penny, we were both young guys and since everybody was going to put the pressure on me, we're going to do it my way. Period. You don't like it? Forget you. The same thing when I went to L.A.

Now that I'm much older and I got a younger guy, and I see that the other two guys didn't really like the yelling and took it personal, so I never yelled at D-Wade. And it probably was the best move I ever made, because he's the first other superstar where we're best friends. The other two, we never hung out. We never talked. We just never did anything ... ever.

Read the interview in it's entirety here.

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