A recent graduate of Georgia Tech decided to celebrate his new alumni status. So he, and I'm assuming friends, did what many coming of age men might do when it's time to celebrate, they went to a strip club.
At the end of the night, the graduate had run up a $53,000 tab. Now daddy wants to sue to get some money back. He claims there are fraudulent charges and only the first credit card signature matches his son's signature. Never mind that some receipts are initialed as a means of itemizing. I know strip clubs are far from the moral high ground, but do we really think strippers and bartenders are going to take the time to fraudulently itemize receipts to get this kid's loot?
That's why you only go to strip clubs with the exact amount of cash that you want to spend....no more, no less....
And after re-reading the article, I noticed that it's the guy's father that is pursuing criminal charges. The article says over and over the father says this and the father says that...has the father asked the son what exactly he spent?