Monday, July 26, 2004

I have a shopping problem. I've bought 12 shirts in the past week. I have taken my metrosexuality to a new level. And not just with the clothes, oh no! I let the fiancee talk me into getting a pedicure. A PEDICURE!!! I know the new age folks are going to say, 'There's nothing wrong with a man getting a pedicure' but sorry that's not my upbringing. Men have no use for pedicures in my opinion. Nor manicures for that matter. Cut your toe nails, cut your fingernails, and don't think about them ever again. But the part that scares\bothers\boggles me is that I think I enjoyed. I'm almost certain I enjoyed it. And enjoying it goes against my preconceived notions of what was going to happen. And if I can be wrong about this, then heaven forbid I could be wrong about other things too...I feel whole belief system is in peril.....if a man don't got his principles what do he got (the worst english I could bring myself to type)!

I must admit though, I didn't know my feet could be so soft and pretty.....WAIT I didn't just say that....but the nails are so shiny....STOP IT.....and the dead skin has gone bye bye... SHUT UP.....and the leg massage kind of got me too....AARAGGGGH

Meanwhile, on the left side of my brain....

FOOTBALL is only 2 and 1/2 weeks's the sport of kings....better than diamond rings....

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