Thursday, July 01, 2004

"It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you without a strong rhyme to step to" .. . .Eric B. and Rakim (I think)

Yeah, I know I have been kinda vacant for a minute now. My bad. Still recovering slowly and quietly from the debacle known as the NBA finals. Nuff said about that...

I think I am going to make this my metrosexual summer. I am going to buy one metrosexually inspired clothing item per week. Deciding to dress metrosexually is a big risk since I live in Atlanta, the (drag)sister city of San Francisco. This past weekend was Gay pride weekend in the ATL. That got me to thinking.....homosexuals always claim that they want to be just like everyone else, treated the same etc....but there is no heterosexual parade?!?! I think I'm going to start the Straight in Straight Out Parade for heterosexuality (and lesbians...I like lesbians, not butches, but lesbians). We can have a mobile wet t-shirt contest conducted by the chippendales (so all heterosexuals are entertained) followed by heathen night at a local whorehouse.

Okay, I don't know where all that above came from......

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