Friday, May 25, 2007


FOX Sports on MSN - MLB - Hancock's father sues over pitcher's death

So the father of the drunk driver wants to sue the bar because his son decided to drive drunk.  Oh, and there was also weed in the car that I'm sure the bar planted. 
Seriously, any death is a tragedy.  However, if a person drives drunk, with a blood alcohol level twice that of the legal limit, and ends up killing themselves, there should be a law forbidding any family, friend or other person from trying to sue the establishment that the deceased chose to drink in. 

I agree bartenders should reserve the right to stop a person from drinking when they think he's had enough.  But at the same time, are we completely relieving the drunkard of any responsibility. 

What makes this even worse is the final statement:

Dean Hancock said he has an obligation to represent the family on all issues, "including any legal actions necessary against those who contributed to the untimely and unnecessary death."

The death was untimely.  The death was unnecessary.  But the death wasn't forced upon his son.  The death was a direct result of his son's behaviour.  It's as if the father wants to completely remove any blame on his son's name.  Sir, your son drove drunk.  Very drunk.  With plans to get high later.  Despite whatever you may think, the ultimate wrong was done by your son...not the tow truck driver helping out another sober driver on the roadway, not the restaurant that your son frequented enough to become a regular, only your son is to blame.  If you think a drunk driving incident is enough to tarnish his image, your legal shenanigans only add to the blemish at the end of a young life.  Rest in peace Josh Hancock.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I hear ya! I 100% agree with you. When we take our alcohol awareness class at Jeffrey's, we are told that, legally, if a person has half of a drink, leaves, and gets into a car accident and injures/kills someone, we (the restaurant & bartender/server) can be held accountable! Isn't that crazy? At what point do you cut someone off? The moment they walk thru the door? What's the point of even serving alcohol then? This is my opinion: You are a grown ass man. Act like one! I'm not your mother! I've got too many problems to be worrying about how your drunk ass is getting home! (deep breath, Brooke!)
The law sucks and it needs to be changed. Next thing you know, someone is going to get drunk at home and b/c they decided to drive, they are sueing the liquor store owner for not being responsible and selling them the bottle. (again, breath...)
Ok. I'm done venting. You got me all worked up! Damn you!!!