Thursday, March 27, 2003

I know I know. I should add all these links to like the side instead of randomly throughout my messages. Well, I'm lazy and don't feel like it!

I do highly suggest visiting the 'This is ugly fat kid' site. He's kind of funny in a I can't believe someone has this much time to think about these things kind of way.

My stomach hurts.....ate too much.....I had last night's hamburger helper leftovers, a couple bites of a couple slices of bread, and close to a pound and a half of canteloupe which I think is what did it. But the sugary sweet juice captivated me to no end....and I just kept putting more in my mouth....couldn't stop....want more now....but I'm too lazy to go get anymore. So I'll just have to enjoy my French Vanilla Cafe.....nothing like vanilla scented coffee breath....

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