Thursday, November 13, 2003

Had an interesting conversation yesterday with Kayla at the Avenue. Me and Tommy Gun were talking about why he didn't like Kobe Bryant. Basically, he thought Kobe was arrogant. So I asked him what the difference was between arrogance and confidence? He walked away, not because of my question but because he's a bartender and he's at work so he had to work. So I asked Kayla, who is a waitress but wasn't particularly busy at the time. She said she needed to think about it but while she was gone I thought about how often age plays a factor in the fine line between arrogance and confidence. Then I said, and I may have to get this copyrighted or something, "When you're an older person and arrogant, it is considered confidence. When you're a younger person and confident, it is arrogance."

I'm not cocky, I'm not conceited. I'm convinced. There's a difference. Being cocky means you act like you're the shit. Being conceited means you think you're the shit and treat people like shit as a result. Being convinced means you know you are what you are and you're happy with it. A lot of times being convinced comes off as cockiness or conceit, but don't let it fool ya!!

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