Monday, June 13, 2005

The end of an Idol's career

In the debacle that was the end of Mike Tyson's career, he did what was probably the classiest thing that he has in his entire career. He stood in front of millions of people and simply said 'My heart's not in it.' He made no excuses. He simply retired.

The disgusting part about this wasn't the ten dollar cover I lost when Mike didn't make the bell for the seventh. NO, the stomach turned in watching people who undoubtedly were cheering for Mike at the beginning of the fight, cheering against him at the end. People who were yelling, he's a loser in life and loser in the ring....These people were the ones with whom I was disgusted. For his part, Mike is responsible for most of the negativity in his life and most of his problems are a direct result of his actions. But to his credit, Mike has kept a relatively low profile outside of the ring for the past few years and has shown a level of maturity in doing so. As far as a loser in the ring, he performed as most boxers do at the end of his career (although through a bit more freakish ways), slumping....

Mike Tyson will always hold a special place in my boxing heart.....

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