Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Wifey, The Lady, and stuff

The Wifey. I miss Mrs. Xpinionated. She's been out of town since Friday. It's weird, I was looking forward to having the house to myself and re=living some bachelor life but by Sunday I was pretty much over it. I need supervision.

The Lady I think I am going to stop torturing myself by looking at Dodge Magnum messageboards, mainly this one. I just don't see where all these folks get all this money to modify their cars. There are things I want to do to the Lady Magdeline de Magnum but I really don't see it in the financial cards.....

Stuff. There's no stuff...don't know why I put it here....

1 comment:

Xpinionated said...

Ahhh stop with the mushy stuff...!!!