Tuesday, August 17, 2004

This was yesterday..first day in new office

I have had a long day....;) So after sitting in traffic which I'm
sure you did, then thinking my badge was lost, then realizing that I
may not have enough gas to make it to work if I have to sit in traffic
too much longer, I finally get to the office and realize I have no
clue which building out of the 12 that I'm supposed to go to. So I
call Shanlon and she tells me that she thinks it's building one which
makes sense because the address is 1 Piedmont center (I didn't know
that until Shanlon told me). So after holding a stranger up while
talking to Shanlon ( I flagged him down in my desperation), Shanlon
gives me the phone numbers to contact Rose. But I don't have anything
to write on!! So I type it in my phone thinking I can save it after
the fact. Except when we get off the phone, I close the phone(out of
habit) thereby erasing the number to contact Rose. So instead of
calling Shanlon back, I just drove around until I found building one.
I figured suite 600 would be on the 6th floor. Got lucky on that one.
So they take me to my cube and I start to get setup et cetera when I
realize that I forgot the power cord to my laptop....it's in Winston
Salem. So not a biggie right....except everyone here uses Dells and I
use an IBM laptop.....luckily they found one that they 'borrowed' from
somewhere (I'm not asking any questions but the way they said borrowed
was more than a little shady). So now Winston Salem is mailing me my
power cord....and it's just 9:30.....

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