Friday, February 15, 2008

Sick of Cowards

I'm tired of it.  I'm tired of these cowards with guns.  I'm sick of these guys who can't handle their own problems so they go into a classroom and shoot folks who have nothing to do with their problems. 

6 Killed in Northern Illinois classroom.  For what?  Right now there is no motive.  Will it be the same as the Virginia Tech murders?  'Boo hoo I'm an outcast'.   You know what?  Every single one of us is outcast from something, from someone, from somewhere.  You can't pick the general public as your enemy and start shooting.  Furthermore, if you do, have the fucking guts to stand up to the anger and sadness you so eagerly caused.  Don't kill random folks and then get scared and kill yourself. That's cowardly and a punk way out.   If you're man enough to pick up a gun and shoot innocent people face to face, then be man enough to look those same folks' families in the face and tell them why you took their loved one.  Tell that family that you were trying to get a point across about . . . . what?

You think you'll evoke change by killing random people and then yourself?  What message do you think gets across?  The only message that gets across is that you were a disturbed, mentally immature person who couldn't handle the pressures of growing up/being grown and didn't have the compassion for others to limit the consequences. 

In fact, your killing of innocent people only creates martyrs of the people you killed.  We don't remember you when we think of the killing spree, we think of the killed.  I despise that news reports even include your death in the reported number killed.  Your name doesn't belong in the same sentences. 

I do not feel pity for your situation of being outcast.  It is not because I don't have compassion for those that are outcast.  It is because I reserve compassion for those that are compassionate enough not to give up and harm or kill other people to get a message across, a lost message.  The second you picked up a gun with intention of killing people you didn't know is the second you gave up any claims of victimhood, of being the abused. 

At the point, you became nothing.

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