Friday, May 19, 2006

Downer Friday

So I was talking to a coworker and somehow the conversation got into retirement. So I asked her jokingly, "If I say I'm retired and I'm only 38, will they give me my 401k money?" Of course, I know they won't but I want my damn money when I say I'm retired, not when the gubment says I'm retired. Anway, my coworker gets all serious on me and says by the time you retire they may move the retirement age back again which would make it 69 or 70 years old to retire. Hmmm, they say black men have an average lifespan of 69 years (I know this can be argued 'til the cows come home from the land of honey but just go with it now). So, with this knowledge, I came to the realization that Mrs. Xpinionated (who recently got a promotion, GO HER!) gets my 401k money later and my current check now.

This revelation led to another discussion with a different coworker that hipped me to some other downer news! Social security as it currently works provides the most benefits to white women since they live the longest. As such, the least benefit goes to .. . .yep black men. So this coworker breaks it down for me like this, "Black men are paying social security for white women for all intents and purposes!" To which I respond....."And then folks get mad when we chase one!!!

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