Saturday, May 27, 2006

Lazy Laker Surfing Today

So as I am lazily surfing the 'net I come across this:
created by kodeko81

Hell, I wish I could have played this before my Laker Playoff cookout party, it's a bit inspiring.


bob b said...

x - posting here 'cause this is the most recent spot on your blog.
just an observation on the px loss in game 6:
nash was the pg for 5 yrs in dallas - no trips to the championship. he's the pg for px, 2 mvp awards and: ditto. he leaves dallas and THEY go to the championship.
Yeah, he's the mvp. right.
---should be an interesting championship, though. i have no feel for who is going to win.
we'll have to see if d wade steps up.

Xpinionated said...

Interesting. Never really thought about it like that.

What I find most interesting about the Heat right now is the media's constant talk of a rejuvenated Shaquille. If you look at his numbers, his 28 and 16 against the Pistons was his best game and only one game that he performed any different than his regular season what's so rejuvenated?