Thursday, August 28, 2008

Missing Caylee

artmissingfloridagirlap Caylee has been missing since June.  Her mother (used loosely given the facts so far) did not report her missing for a month.  Upon returning to the grandmother's house, the grandmother called the police reporting that the trunk smelled like a dead body.

Since that day, Caylee's mother has not been charged for kidnapping (or suspected murder).  Obstructing justice blah blah blah is what she currently faces.  And the grandmother has completely flipped flopped in that now she swears by her daughter's innocence based on facts that will come to light when the time is right?!?!

Disgusting.  This beautiful little girl is missing and I fear dead.  Her mother has shown little to no remorse.  Her grandmother is frolicking between talk shows in her 15 minutes of fame.  And who speaks for the little girl.  For little Caylee?

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