Saturday, August 09, 2008

One of those days

Maybe it's a combination of exhaustion and irritability, but Saturday was one of those days where I couldn't conjure enough emotion or drive or desire to do much of anything but lay on the couch in varying positions of laziness.

I'm not even sure where the afternoon went as I watched hours of 'The Last Comic', the Olympics, and Car Wash. The night was a blur of napping, a bit of gaming, and 'The Other Boleyn Girl'. By the way, the book is ridiculously better than the movie.

Now's it's ten til two and I'm watching more Olympics. Odd given that I've watched sports that I normally couldn't care less about. Handball and volleyball seemed to be the rule of the day with some rowing, gymnastics, and boxing thrown in for good measure. By the way, I think I like team handball. A bit like basketball and soccer mixed together.

Anyway, I'm gonna lay on the couch and flip through the boob's hoping I'm back to myself tomorrow....

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