Wednesday, December 30, 2009

BootyPop -- Keepin' it Real

'I just want a real man!'

How many times have I heard that mantra? A real man, a guy that isn't going to play games, blah blah blah. Ladies, if you want a real man, shouldn't you start your search for a real man by being a real woman?

When you see a man, you are pretty much seeing what you're getting. Unless you're on some internet dating site, the man standing before you physically will not change much. Maybe, he's wearing a toupee....maybe.

When you see a woman, there was a time when you were getting what you were seeing. Not anymore....the latest trend in dating trickery is bootypop panties. 'Turn that flat into fab!!!'

There was a time when a man's worse nightmare was finding out that the makeup a woman was wearing was doing more than giving her color. We accepted that as a risk. That this person we met in public may very well look considerably different 'unmade up'.

Then there was the padded bra. That appealing sweater the co-ed was wearing hid a dirty little secret. A secret that once it was discovered, it was too often too late to turn back.

Naturally, artificial breasts were the next big player. These weren't as bad because at least the tom foolery was pretty evident from the get-go. No surprises, just a matter of preference for the gentlemen.

Lo and behold, the 90's brought forth the transgender, transexual, trans whatever age. Now men were being tested daily not only only the physical attraction of the opposite sex. Rather they were being tested on whether the opposite sex was actually opposite at all or perhaps surgically opposite or perhaps
pre-op opposite.

Following that trend was botox and the assorted injections. The woman you are now dating has Angelina Jolie lips that magically grew from the Jodie Foster lips she had in her graduation photos?!?

Through all of these phases, one thing could be trusted. A pair of jeans! Yes, a pair of jeans was true to it's word. It hid nothing, it created nothing. What was in those jeans was, well, in those jeans. UNTIL NOW, now we have booty pop panties. Not only are they somewhat unnatural looking, imagine the disappointment for all the booty men in the world when they find out one of their main 'pros' is actually a pair drawers with padding. Her butt doesn't look like those once trusted jeans portrayed. Shenanigans! Shenanigans I say!

Ladies, if you want us to be real. Remember, it starts in your heart of hearts. Don't use of every trick in the book to gain our attraction if you're only setting us up for disappointment. It's not fair to us.....and it's not fair to you!


Lindsey said...

I also could make the argument that we women have to deal with the trickery as well. With all the pills/powders and legal steroids guys are taking nowadays to blow up, hair implants, not knowing whether the cute guy you spent so much time eying on the other side of the room is gay or straight, if he REALLY has a job and whether or not he's taking you to dinner to be genuinely sweet or if he's just trying to get you in the sack (which is generally the case.) So see, us women have to be put through the ringer as well. It's not just you boys.

xdavis24 said...

Gay or straight applies to both sexes. Whether he has a job is horrible criteria for matchmaking. We're always trying to get in your pants but the disappointment at finding a fake ass there is a bit much to bear. Legal steroids are the same as your diet pills and bulimia...and hell at least you don't have to take us to dinner to get in our pants!

Lindsey said...

You're so stupid X! Well a gay girl is probably easier to spot nowadays... what with all the metrosexualness guys are practicing. Once upon a time you could tell a guys sexual preference by his choice of Gucci vs. Hanes.

And if we're dieting and doing the bulemia thing, dinner shouldn't be that big of a deal for you guys!

Now, to side with you; you forgot to mention the fake nails, eyelashes and girdles.

xdavis24 said...

You gotta remember there are multiple types of gay girls that we men have to be aware of as well -- there's the manly homosexual female, the hot lesbian who's only dating women because a man hurt her somewhere along the way, and then the trisexual girl (you know the one that will try anything).