Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Still not sure

Here it is 2006, I'm 31 years old, happily married and still don't know what I want to do with my life as far as having a purpose. Destined for the life of work (which I don't particularly enjoy) while looking toward the weekend? Working for a paycheck instead of getting paid doing something I love? The problem is I don't know what I'd do if I had the option to do what I love. I like a lot of things but when I have to do them the pleasure leaks out a bit. So I don't know if I could ever do what I love since what I love wouldn't be loved anymore if I had to do it......Time for self evaluation I 'spose.

I got a palm pilot on the 2nd. The Palm T/X. Handy little gadget. I had wanted one for awhile although I'm typically not the planning type of person. I must admit it has helped me remember stuff that I formerly would forget...funny ideas for t-shirts, stuff for my other blogs (which I'm sure you are going to click on over there on the right, under the Xpinionated Webring...yep right there, now click!), stuff my wife wants (although I could just put everything and keep the list concise), and the Lakers schedule. Plus, it's equipped with Bluetooth and Wifi so it is my internet in a flash machine. Then I added the Bookworm game....horrible idea....horrrible horrible, craptacular idea....but I do love spelling!

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