Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Old People

I tried to kill an old man today.

I was minding my business in my usual hour and a half morning commute (it's only 30 miles, but it is Atlanta). I'm sitting at the light to turn left. Light go green, me go cuz it's a leading green. Luxury UV across the way decides red light means he can turn right...he cuts the wrong commuter off. I hit my 'you're a stupid ass' horn. He's startled....guess he wasn't expectin' that. He turns right into a strip mall and flips me off. Wow! You cut me off and then flip me the finger for not taking kindly to you cutting me off. Cool, except that he didn't even have the balls to look me in the face when he flipped me the bird. SO he turns, I decide, 'Bump that' and I turn at the next entry into the strip mall. At this time, I have no idea what I'm planning to do...but I know I almost hit a different old innocent one in the crosswalk. I spot the Luxury UV at a drive through cleaners....I may have skidded right up beside him....He's startled and baffled this time because he never looked at me so he doesn't know why I have run up on him like this.....I curse him, flip him off while lookin' him squarely in the eye, then proceed to spin my tires to show my disgust at how immature an 80 year old man can be....

Now I know my actions weren't mature either....but I wasn't in the wrong.....and I'm not 80 so hopefully I have time to learn better...he should have known better....


Desmond Goh said...

Your blood sure boil easily. You sure acted like you are 80 years old, except his days are numbered and your not. This is one of God's way of maintaining a balance. Don't act like a 80 year old.

Xpinionated said...

Desmond, you can ask Hope, I'm a fairly mellow cat but the whole lack of looking me in my eyes while you flip me off took it to another level....

Ian MacAllen said...

I hate when poor drivers do that to me. One guy from Maryland was driving through a NJ Ez-Pass [eletronic toll collection] lane and stopped as if this was required. It is not. I gave him the old "don't be an idiot" honk. When I got through he flipped me off. My Response was to swurve towards him just enough to think his Lexus SUV was going to be side swiped. He was a little less aggressive after that.