Wednesday, December 22, 2004


This Christmahanukkwanzaa, I have done absolutely nothing in the commercially led tradition of present giving. Furthermore, I have no plans to do too much of anything. I picked up some things from Jamaica for my parents and sister, gonna give my Nephew some cash, and buy some stocking stuffer things for the new wife.

Ok, I made myself sound like a scrooge (which isn't entirely off base), but in reality the wife and I agreed that due to the large matrimonial expenditure recently incurred (I love when my MBA starts typing), we were not going to be gift giving this Christmahanukkwanzaa. Darn it, I wish I could keep up the front but I'm weak...very weak.

In other startling news, Tupac has yet another posthumous album out. I haven't bought any of those albums though I have been a Tupac fan since his first album was released (for you pop culture kiddies All Eyez on Me wasn't the first or even the second album) which also happens to be my favorite. I don't know, it just seems to me that if his unreleased stuff was as good as his released stuff then it would have been released.....

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