Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bad Tidings

I'm in a very bad mood this morning. I don't think I like our society to much at all. Things that have been bothering me about our society:

  • TV - Is it me or has TV basically become a place for teen angst. I swear as a teenager I never remember having as much drama in my life as the OC. Here in Atlanta, there's a horrible pop radio station called Q100. They have the worst morning show I have ever seen (save for Crash Clark, but that's because he's a known alcoholic and he just does weather and traffic) called the Bert Show. Bert epitomizes the massacre of masculinity that has slowly been occurring over the past five to ten years. But more on that another time. They spent the entire morning talking about TV shows that are basically geared to teenage girls, which would be anything on the WB and half the stuff on FOX. Now these are grown ass men anticipating Gilmore Girls and the OC. Bert even admitted to being a big Oprah fan. This is a man (used very loosely) who has been whipped into silly puddy by his wife.

  • The Death of Masculinity - Ever notice how in most commercials nowadays men are made to look stupid. Or in today's sitcoms, even if the woman is at fault it somehow becomes the man's fault? Or how television is quick to show feminine hygiene product commercials but you never see the commercial for Trojans? Or even worse when the tampon commercial comes on during football but you never see an athlete's foot commercial during a soap opera. Masculinity is dying a slow agonizing death. Far too many men are just giving in rather than standing up for themselves. It's disgusting. A plethora of married men have told me upon finding out about my engagement that I need to learn the words 'Yes, dear'. I've been told that I should only expect to win 10% of the arguments over the course of the marriage and that I should pick my battles. Uh, I thought this marriage thing was supposed to be a compromise?

There's other things but I just realized I'm pretty tired of typing.


Xpinionated said...

The ol' battleax took her car to the shop so she was with me on the morning commute....

Xpinionated said...

Nobody said I let her tell me anything. It was either her talking for the whole ride since she is a morning person or let her listen to her station so her mind is preoccupied. I'm not a morning person and don't like a bunch of talk in the morning.....