Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Closing in

I haven't mentioned it much on the blog here because I try to avoid speaking of my Fiancee too much. I don't want this to be a rant place for me against her (though the way I said that sounds horrible) not that I would need one. But I just realized that I am to be married in less than a month. Married!?!? People keep asking me if I'm excited and I keep telling them no. I think it's misunderstood. They are asking me if I am excited about the wedding as opposed to am I excited about being married. I never had daydreams of what my wedding day would be like. In fact, I don't understand why women would intentionally and purposefully want the unnecessary hassle, burden, stress, and most of all expenses.

Weddings are so overcharged they make prostitutes in Vegas feel like a bargain at Sam's Club. $4000 for a photographer??? $42/person for the reception???? And that's just serving appetizers with beer and wine.

Anyway, the motivation for this post has left me as I realized it's time for me to sneak on outta here.......


Anonymous said...

You're having a wedding because you love your Fiancee, soon to be Mrs., and this is what she wants. This is what will make her happy, if she is happy, you'll be happy..

Xpinionated said...

I agree with you 100%. That doesn't mean I can't complain about the costs though :)