Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Experts and Reporters

I was just perusing CBS Sportsline. I go there now on account that I won a 2 month subscription to their VIP service thanks to McDonald's Monopoly game. Previous posts will let yall know how I feel about Monopoly at McDonald's.

But I digress. Perusing CBS Sportsline, I realized that I rarely agree with any of their expert reporters...you know the ones assigned to cover just the NFL or just the NBA. In fact, I find that they usually just jump on the nearest bandwagon and ride that through every one of their articles.

That got me to thinking....and it hurt. But I did it anyway. I thought, how exactly does one become an expert in say the NBA. What could he have possibly put on his resume that allowed his employer to ascertain that this reporter was an NBA expert. I sincerely believe that most of these "experts", or dare I say pundit since this is an electionally charged day and we'll hear that several times throughout the day, really just say stuff like I'm an expert because I watch a lot of basketball.

I mean what else could make you an expert? I watch a lot of sports, with an emphasis on Basketball and Football, so am I too an expert or pundit???

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