Tuesday, November 09, 2004

New #1

Last week I made note that Mommy blogs annoyed me....well mommy blogs weren't strong enough to hold on to their number 1 ranking....Political blogs (particularly Republican ones) are getting to be quite annoying as well. Now I will be labeled as a democrat because I mentioned the GOP but I am not a Democrat. In fact, I don't claim any political party, they are all full of it (I would have cursed but I'm trying to make some affiliate money on this here site to pay for the expensive one - L - Boogie (me fiance). Without further ado, the top 5 annoying blog types:

  1. Republican blogs
  2. Democrat blogs
  3. Mommy blogs
  4. Religious blogs
  5. 5 is a nice round number but I don't have a fifth....and if I did have a fifth I'd be drinking it by now....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phew... whiny unemployed college alumni blogs didn't make your list. I'm happy.

I do have to agree with your list though. Political blogs were bad before the election, but now I think they're worse. Mommy blogs I can deal with if they're interesting, like the one mother who had the very tiny baby.
