Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Gmail Invites for Contest Winners!!!

I'm sure you've seen other blogs offering gmail invites. First come, first serve they tout. Well not here at Xpinionated, nope here, you gotta earn your gmail invites.

"But sire, how ever will we earn such a prestigious reward", cried the loyal readers and necomers alike.

"Heeheee," giggled King Xpionio Nated, "I'll tell you how! But alas, I won't tell you until I get some ideas from you readers"

Okay, my bad, don't know where I was going with that. Anyway, I have 6 invites and the rights to hiphopfan@gmail.com. In order to get them, there will be a contest...unfortunately, I'm having trouble coming up with what contest it will be. So here's the deal, today and tomorrow I will be accepting contest ideas...the person with the best idea will receive an invite automatically. The other invites will go to the winner of the contest.

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